Главная » 2008 » Декабрь » 27 » Урок-игра для 9-х классов на тему: "Happy New Year and Christmas in England"
Урок-игра для 9-х классов на тему: "Happy New Year and Christmas in England"

Задачи урока:

  1. Совершенствование грамматических навыков.
  2. Тренировать учащихся в употреблении в речи неправильных глаголов.
  3. Использовать различные виды вопросов на английском языке (Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Perfect).
  4. Развитие умений в чтении англоязычных, страноведческих текстов и передавать их содержание на родном языке.
  5. Речевая тренировка в умении отвечать на вопросы использовав прочитанную информацию.
  6. Развитие умений делать обобщение на основе иллюстративного материала.
  7. Развитие языковой догадки.
  8. Культурное обогащение речевой практики школьников.
  9. Повышать интерес к английскому языку.
  10. Уважать традиции стран изучаемого языка.

Оснащение урока:


  • Present Simple,
  • Past Simple,
  • Present Perfect

Карточки с неправильными глаголами;

Видовременные картинки;


  • Vs/V1
  • V2 /Ved
  • Have/Has + V3 / Ved

Индивидуальные карточки с предложениям;

Аудиокассета № 2;

Карты самооценки;

“Волшебный сундучок” (Коробочка с символическими носками)

Тематические картинки по теме “New Year In England.


План урока

1. Организационный момент.

(на доске) Topic: “New Year In England. Christmas”

Grammar; Irregular Verbs, Present Simple, Past Simple,

Present Perfect

Hello, I’m your new teacher. My name is O.E. I’m going to teach you today. У вас на столе у каждого есть карта самооценки, в которой вы должны поставить себе оценку за каждый этап урока.

OK. Look at the blackboard. Topics today are: New Year in England Christmas. And our grammar: we repeat Irregular Verbs, Present Simple, Past Simple, and Present Perfect, try tot make up questions, do the test and we’ll learn how English people celebrate Christmas. Now let’s start our lesson with grammar.

2.а) Our first task.

Do you know irregular verbs? What are they? Repeat them. Look at my cards, please.

Do – did – done eat – ate – eaten
Go – went – gone have – had – had
Sleep – slept – slept run – ran – run
Shine – shone - shone fly – flew – flown
Drink- drank – drunk put – put – put

Let’s practice these verbs in the sentences

Birds. Eat/have/ The Island. Shine/rain/
like/fly fall/live
  1. They… wings.
  2. They… insects.
  3. They… long distance.
  4. They… cat.
  1. The sun… everyday.
  2. Not many people…there.
  3. The temperature… at night.
  4. It… rain very much.
Mark, Eric aged 8 month aged read, cry, live, drink A lion run/ eat/have/sleep
  1. They… with their mom and dad.
  2. They… orange juice.
  3. They… a lot.
  4. They… books.
  1. It… a tail.
  2. It… very fast.
  3. It… a lot.
  4. It… fish.

OK. Ваша оценка: глаголы

б) Determine the verbs. (дети показывают карточки Vs/V1),

V2 /Ved , Have/Has + V3 / Ved , учитель читает предложения)

1. I don’t smoke.
2. I’ve had dinner.
3. He likes fish.
4. He enjoyed the film.
5.He speaks German.
6.He didn’t do the examinations
7.She hasn’t finish her work.
8.Sue and Diana haven’t translated the text yet.

OK. Ваша оценка: предложения

3. Now let’s try to make up questions, use these table



















The floor

The text

OK. Ваша оценка: Вопросы

Now, make up questions yourselves (карточки с предложениями)

  1. He went out with smb. (Who)
  2. John comes home at 5 o’clock. (What time )
  3. Tim has broken the window. (What)
  4. My friend lives near the city centre. (Where)
  5. I gave the money to Tom. (What )
  6. She has just been to a concert. (Who)
  7. He reads a newspaper in the evening. (When)
  8. Tony was ill, he didn’t go to school. (Why)
  9. Mary stayed at a hotel. (Where)
  10. They visited many places. (What)

Ok. You are very clever children. I hope you have understood how to make questions. OK. Ваша оценка: Вопросы

4. Determine the verbs and their forms (карточки со стихами).

5. Read the text and do the test

As you know the topic of our lesson is New Year In England. You have read the text at home, take your books and open them at page 86 and look it through. I want you to give some test.

(Карточки с буквами a, b, c )


1. In England the New Year is…

a) so popular
b) not popular
c)a great holiday

2. In some parts in the North and in Scotland it is …

a) a great holiday
b)a dull holiday
c)a happy holiday

3. Another popular way of celebrating the New Year is…

a) go to bed
b) to eat some tasty food c)to go to a New year’s dance

4. The most famous celebration is in the centre of London where …

a) the people eat
b) the people drink
c) the people gather and sing

5. The first of January, the New Year’s Day people…

a) do not to work
b) go to work
c) sleep all day

6. New Year’s day is the time for making…

a) New Year food
b) the New Year’s resolutions
c) the New Year’s presents

I see you are very good today

OK. Ваша оценка: test

6. Read the text and answer the questions

As you see New Year is not so popular in Great Britain. But what is the most popular holiday in Great Britain? Самый почитаемый во всей католической Европе?

Now we’ll read the text

“Marry Christmas”

The 25th of December is Christmas Day. It’s a happy holiday for many people in different countries.

Some weeks before Christmas English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their relatives and friends. You can buy Christmas cards or can make them. Many children make their cards at school.

People buy c Christmas tree and decorate it with toys, coloured balls and little coloured lights.

On Christmas Eve people put their presents under the tree, when children go to bed, they put their stockings near their beds

At nights Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents into the children’s stockings.

In earliest of times green trees were symbols of life. Candles at Christmas also go back to those times. People believed that their light helped them to forget the darkness of winter.

Christmas is a time for eating. The traditional food is turkey, Christmas cake and Christmas pudding made of fruit.


1. When is Christmas Day?

2. What do they do before Christmas?

3. Do they buy and decorate a Christmas Tree?

4. Where do they put their presents?

5. Who comes at night? Why?

OK. Ваша оценка: текст

6.(звучит мелодия “Jingles Bells” слова с песней на столе)

Let’s sing

7. Look at the blackboard. Who is it? Yes. Father Frost. Tell me about our New Year. Издавна на Руси считалось традиционной едой считалось- пельмени, борщ, блины. He brings us some presents,

he knows that you like presents. (Коробка с подарками – “носки”, на каждом “носке” пожелание, если уголёк - жить в комфорте, конфета - счастье, деньги - богатство, хлеб- не голодать.)

Итог урока:

У вас на листочках свои оценки, у меня свои. Это так вы оценили свой труд. Что вызвало затруднение поработать дома.

Как вам работалось? Какие были удачи, что показалось трудным, что понравилось? 2- 3 человека.

Good bye and good luck!

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2 Дмитрий  
bag batman eek evil devil help hello cool cry dry happy tongue wacko wink

1 Дмитрий  
sad errt4 cry cry surprised surprised wink batman holiday help wacko tongue g gfgt67

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