Главная » 2009 » Февраль » 19 » Урок по теме: "World Around Us" в 5-м классе ( "Английский язык" И.Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой)
Урок по теме: "World Around Us" в 5-м классе ( "Английский язык" И.Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой)

Задачи урока:

1. Образовательные.

а) формировать умение употреблять ранее изученные ЛЕ в речи учащихся
б) формирование навыков произношения
в) формирование грамматических навыков: словообразование с помощью суффиксов

2. Развивающие.

а) развивать навык фонетического слуха
б) развивать навыки диалогической речи
в) развивать умение учащихся осуществлять монологические высказывания
г) развивать навыки выразительного чтения
д) развивать индивидуальные творческие и артистические способности учащихся
е) развивать интерактивные коммуникативные способности
ж) развивать аудитивные навыки

3. Воспитательные.

а) воспитывать у учащихся любовь к окружающему миру
б) воспитывать у учащихся умение приветствовать и реагировать на приветствия
в) воспитывать у учащихся уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка

Применяемые технологии:

а) коммуникативно-ориентированного обучения
б) развития познавательных интересов
в) личностно-ориентированного обучения
г) учебно-познавательная игра
д) информационные технологии


  • компьютер и проектор
  • магнитофон

Ход урока

1. Организационный момент (приветствие и объяснение целей урока).

- Good morning, children! (Good morning,)

- I am glad to see you. How are you today? (We are fine, thank you. And how are you?)

- 1 am fine, too, thanks. Who is absent? (All are present.)

Let's begin our lesson. This time we'll learn a new topic "World Around Us". We'll speak about foreign countries, different continents where these countries are situated, about people of different nations and nationalities who live in these countries. You'll also discuss ecological problems; speak about nature, about animals and birds that are in danger nowadays. And today you'll listen to the dialogues and make up your own.

2. Фонетическая зарядка (отработка лексики по теме “Осенние каникулы”).

[t] - autumn: stay; travel; travel to Moscow.

[d] - spend: did you spend.

[n] - nice; no; not: did not: did not do;

[1] - sleep; help: play; play different games;

[r] - during; rain: rainy read;

[w] - warm; what: where: weather.

- Read the words after me.

- Read the words in pairs.

- Read the words as quickly as you can. (на экране)

3. Речевая разминка.

Answer my questions, please.

  1. Where did you go during your autumn holidays?
  2. What did you do there?
  3. What was the weather like?
  4. What books did you read?

- Ask each other questions about your autumn holidays. Work in a chain.

P1: I spent my holidays in the country. Where did you spend your autumn holidays?

P2: I spent my holidays visiting Moscow. Where did you spend your autumn holidays?

P3: ...etc.

4. Повторение пройденной лексики.

- Do you like to take part in different competitions? (Of course, we do.)

- I see you are interested in taking part in competitions. Let's have a competition then. You will do different tasks. I hope it will be interesting, funny and useful. Let's form two teams.

1. Warming-up

- You already know some words on topic "Nature" and "World around Us". Let's play a memory game. Open your books and find ex. 1, p. 82. Look at the words for a moment, then close the books and name everything you remember. The team which names more words will be the winner of this part.

- OK, thank you, pupils. I see you have a good memory.

2. Can you divide the words

- The next task for you is to divide these words into three groups denoting:

a) waters: b) plants; c) places on the earth. You should write the words into three columns. The

team which does this task quickly and correctly is the winner of this part. (на экране)

- Thank you, pupils, I see you can divide the words quickly and correctly.

3. Let's choose a Leader

The next task is called "Let's choose a leader". Now I’ll explain the rules of the task. I’ll ask you 6 questions. The team which gives the most correct answers will be the leader of this part of the game. The questions are not very easy. So, be attentive, please. (ex. 4 p. 82) (на экране)

- Thank you very much.

4. Think of names for them

- The next task is called "Think of names for them". I'll explain you some words. And your task is to think of the names for these explanations. Don't forget to discuss the name in your teams. You have 1 minute to do it.

Учитель зачитывает объяснения слов, используя ex. 3, p. 82. (на экране)

- Thank you, pupils, you were quite right

5. Describe your favourite season

- And the last task for you is to speak about your favorite season. Your home task was to choose the season and make up a short story about it. And the other team will guess what season it is.

- Thank you, pupils, your stories were original. Now our game has come to an end. Our best congratulations to the first team. They are the winners of the contest. Don't worry if you are not the first. Only one team can be the first.

- Let me thank all the participants of the competition. Now let's do some exercises.

5. Физкультминутка.

6. Обучение словообразованию.

- Now pupils, your task is to say what part of speech the words warm, long, wide and strong belong to.

- Of course, you are right. They are all adjectives. And now we'll learn how to make nouns from the adjectives. I want you to look at the blackboard. You'll work yourselves and try to explain how to make nouns from the adjectives.

- Who is ready to explain this kind of word building? (Ученики работают самостоятельно, готовят вывод о том, как образовать существительные от прилагательных с помощью суффикса – th.)

- Will you translate the nouns?

- OK, let's repeat them after me.

- And now I want you to work in pairs and make a right choice doing ex. 9, p. 84. (на экране) Look through the exercise. Is the task clear? Begin working then.

7. Развитие речевых умений в диалогической форме речи.

- You've rested. Let's continue our work. I am sure you remember what people usually say when they meet each other. Will you name them? (Hi. Hello. Good morning. etc.)

- I see you remember them. And now I want you to read some new words. Open your books and find ex. 6, p. 83. Read the words in the table.

- You see English people often use "How do you do" and they use it in official language. Now read what people usually say after such greetings.

Ученики читают реплики-ответы с проектора.

- You see English people often say "OK''; "Fine", "Very well". They don't show that something is not well. Only sometimes when they speak about somebody they can say that he(she) is ill; is sick For example:

- How's Ann?

- She is sick.

- And now let's listen to the dialogue "On meeting" and say what greeting and answers they use in it. (запись на кассете №24)

- What greetings have you heard?

- Now let's read this dialogue after the announcer. Mind the stresses and the intonation.

Ученики читают диалог за диктором. После прочтения диалога за диктором учитель обращает внимание учеников на интонационный рисунок (падающий тон), а также акцентирование слов во фразе “How are you?” в зависимости от того, начальная ли эта фраза диалога после непосредственного приветствия или реплика на неё. (на экране)

- Hi, how are you?

- Fine. How are you?

- Now read this dialogue in pairs with correct intonation. (на экране)

- Make up your own dialogues using the words from the table. (Ученики работают в парах и составляют свои диалоги.)

- OK, let's listen to your dialogues.

- Thank you, pupils for your work. You were active today and worked hard.

- Write down your home task: ex. 10 p. 85; WB ex. 1 p.34-35. (на экране)

- Do you like our lesson? Why?

- The lesson is over, you may have a rest.

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