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euromaxx - DW-TV's new daily magazine show

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euromaxx - DW-TV's new daily magazine show. Seven days a week, 365 days a year, bringing you the latest on lifestyle and entertainment in Europe.

DW-TV viewers across the world can enjoy images and stories which reflect the rich diversity of cultural life in Europe. euromaxx provides an insight into Europe and the people who live there; Its countries and customs, society and celebrities, atmosphere and everyday life.

euromaxx is as multi-facetted as Europe itself: an entertaining kaleidoscope of people and places, lifestyle and luxury, arts and culture, concerts and cadences, music and metropolitan life, style, fashion and much, much more. All this packed into 25 minutes of reports, features and interviews.

euromaxx includes a number of regular features and series: Once a week "euromaxx deluxe" takes you on a tour of one of Europe's top addresses. "euromaxx á la carte" whets appetites with culinary treats from around Europe.

euromaxx - Lifestyle Europe is hosted by Karin Helmstaedt and Robin Merrill, two experienced TV presenters with proven journalistic abilities. In the Berlin euromaxx studios, the show's presenters regularly talk to a wide range of fascinating guests from around Europe.

is the first TV magazine programme to report on European events 365 days a year. Germany's international television service presents today's Germany within the context of the ongoing process of European integration, continuing to stress the nation's important role as mediator in international and intercultural dialogue. DW-TV is the only international broadcaster to provide such a strong focus on German and European topics.

DW-TV began broadcasting news, information and cultural affairs eleven years ago. It can be received directly via satellite by more than 200 million households around the world. Hundreds of TV stations rebroadcast DW-TV programming. Twenty-two million viewers tune in on a weekly basis. euromaxx continues DW-TV's commitment to quality content and strengthens its unique position in the international media market: DW-TV -- at the heart of Europe.

Категория: Обучающее видео | Добавил: admin1 (16.01.2009)
Просмотров: 1066 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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