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Active listening & watching techniques for children (for teachers)

Before showing the film

  • Elicit the children's knowledge of the subject or theme.
  • Show the title and / or the first images and ask the children to imagine what is going to happen.

Ask the children, when they hear a certain word, phrase or structure, to:

  • Raise a finger.
  • Touch or show a picture or an object.
  • Make a gesture.
  • Do an action.
  • Say the word or phrase.

Ask the children to count the number of times they:

  • See a person, animal, object or action.
  • Hear a given word, phrase or structure.

Ask the children to notice:

  • Something new.
  • The name of something.
  • Something the same as something else (a previous story, a picture, etc.)
  • Another way of saying something known. Ex: Goodbye / Bye bye.
  • Something said by a given character.
  • A specific piece of information.

Ask the children to speak:

  • At the same time as one or more of the characters (on 2nd or later viewing).
  • To the characters (warn them, tell them what to do, etc.)

Show the film with no sound, stop frequently and ask the children to:

  • Describe what's happening.
  • Say what's already happened.
  • Imagine what's going to happen next.
  • Imagine a dialogue.
  • Watch a person's mouth and guess what they're saying.

Cover the screen, or ask the children to close their eyes, and ask them to listen and:

  • Guess who's speaking.
  • What's happening? where? when?

Position the class so that only half the children can see the screen. With or without the sound.

  • Those that can see describe what they see to the others.
  • Those that can't see ask questions.

Half the class sees one side of the screen and half the other. Stop the film frequently.

  • The children share information to work out what's happening.

Play a sequence backwards

  • The children work out what happened in the correct order.

After viewing the film

  • The children put pictures, objects, written words or sentences in the chronological order of the film.
  • The children draw scenes from the film in chronological order with a few "speech bubbles."
  • In small groups the children act out the film with or without dialogue.
  • Children, individually or in small groups, mime something from the film. The others guess what it is.
  • Write on the board: What? Where? Who? How many? etc. The children ask each other questions about the film.
  • Teacher/child recounts the film with deliberate mistakes, the other children correct them.
  • Teacher/child assumes the identity of a character, the children ask questions to discover who it is.

Источник: http://eolf.univ-fcomte.fr
Категория: Методика преподавания | Добавил: admin1 (05.04.2009)
Просмотров: 1389 | Комментарии: 1 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
Всего комментариев: 1
1 tane4ka2403  
Active listening & watching techniques for children (for teachers)
Before showing the film
Elicit the children's knowledge of the subject or theme.
Show the title and / or the first images and ask the children to imagine what is going to happen.

Ask the children, when they hear a certain word, phrase or structure, to:
Raise a finger.
Touch or show a picture or an object.
Make a gesture.
Do an action.
Say the word or phrase.

Ask the children to count the number of times they:
See a person, animal, object or action.
Hear a given word, phrase or structure.

Ask the children to notice:
Something new.
The name of something.
Something the same as something else (a previous story, a picture, etc.)
Another way of saying something known. Ex: Goodbye / Bye bye.
Something said by a given character.
A specific piece of information.

Ask the children to speak:
At the same time as one or more of the characters (on 2nd or later viewing).
To the characters (warn them, tell them what to do, etc.)

Show the film with no sound, stop frequently and ask the children to:
Describe what's happening.
Say what's already happened.
Imagine what's going to happen next.
Imagine a dialogue.
Watch a person's mouth and guess what they're saying.

Cover the screen, or ask the children to close their eyes, and ask them to listen and:
Guess who's speaking.
What's happening? where? when?

Position the class so that only half the children can see the screen. With or without the sound.
Those that can see describe what they see to the others.
Those that can't see ask questions.

Half the class sees one side of the screen and half the other. Stop the film frequently.
The children share information to work out what's happening.

Play a sequence backwards
The children work out what happened in the correct order.

After viewing the film
The children put pictures, objects, written words or sentences in the chronological order of the film.
The children draw scenes from the film in chronological order with a few "speech bubbles."
In small groups the children act out the film with or without dialogue.
Children, individually or in small groups, mime something from the film. The others guess what it is.
Write on the board: What? Where? Who? How many? etc. The children ask each other questions about the film.
Teacher/child recounts the film with deliberate mistakes, the other children correct them.
Teacher/child assumes the identity of a character, the children ask questions to discover who it is.

Источник: http://eolf.univ-fcomte.fr

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